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- 1 print"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,6:poke646,1
- 2 rem "shotgun loader"
- 4 rem by r. harold droid
- 10 ifsg=1then30
- 20 sg=1:load"shotgun shell",8,1
- 30 printchr$(13)"this program creates an auto-menu"
- 33 print" for a given disk"chr$(13)
- 34 print"sys51200 enables your new program:"
- 35 print" shift/restore breaks to menu"
- 36 print" space/restore reruns without reloading"
- 37 print" run-stop/restore disables"
- 38 print" commodore/restore does non-disabling"
- 39 print" warm start"chr$(13)
- 40 print"insert a disk containing"
- 50 print" basic program files"
- 60 print" then press a key"chr$(13)
- 70 poke198,0:wait198,1
- 80 rem ******* read directory ********
- 85 pn=1:pt=51769
- 90 open1,8,0,"$0"
- 100 flag=1:rem flag set for reading disk name
- 110 f$="":get#1,b$,b$,b$,b$
- 120 get#1,b$:if st<>0 then320
- 130 if b$<>chr$(34) then120
- 140 get#1,b$:if b$<>chr$(34)then f$=f$+b$:goto140
- 150 get#1,b$:if b$=chr$(32) then150
- 160 get#1,b$:ifb$<>""then160
- 170 if st<>0 then320
- 180 ifflag=0then230
- 190 flag=0:dn$(dn)=f$:print"disk name: "dn$(dn)chr$(13)
- 200 print"indicate whether a file should"
- 210 print" be included in the auto-menu"
- 215 print" by pressing y or n"
- 218 print" capacity is 26 files!"chr$(13)
- 220 goto110
- 230 printf$;
- 240 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:ifa$="y"then270
- 250 ifa$="n"thenpoke211,0:print" ";:poke211,0:goto110
- 260 goto240
- 270 print
- 275 iflen(f$)<>16thenf$=f$+chr$(160):goto275
- 280 fora=1to16:pokept,asc(mid$(f$,a,1)):pt=pt+1:next
- 290 pn=pn+1:ifpn>27then400
- 310 goto110
- 320 close1:poke51768,pn:pt=pt+1
- 322 print:input"auto menu filename shotgun[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";pg$
- 330 open8,8,8,pg$+",p,w"
- 340 print#8,chr$(0);:print#8,chr$(192);
- 350 fora=51200topt:print#8,chr$(peek(a));:next
- 360 close8:end
- 400 print"menu capacity exceeded! try again...":close1:goto85